Inspiration to help you find your own way
Inspiration to help you find your own way
We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.”
Brene Brown Dear Friend, How do I ‘feel’ my connection with Source? By being willing to FEEL ALL MY FEELINGS! This is a revised version from a blog I wrote in February of 2017. I felt is was time to revisit this aspect of our lives. My true feelings are beyond what I was taught and conditioned to think of as ‘feelings’. Now when I am feeling a true feeling it has a palpable sensation of flow, vibration and brilliant light-filled aliveness. Feeling the realness of my emotions is experiencing the presence of my own resonance. There was a time when I did not want to feel. I was afraid of being hurt again. I thought, ‘if I do not feel, I will stop my – pain’. I would avoid my feelings by pushing them away and retreating into my head. My imagination would then be sourced in an unhealthy manner to make up a story, a drama which I believed was real. I would get so caught up in the story and its ‘emotions’ I would think I was ‘feeling’. I was actually in a disempowering emotional state by running narratives that kept me isolated from my truth. This learned strategy served only to move me away from my real feelings and into thinking feelings, with the goal of not actually feeling them. In my pattern of telling a story and thinking my feelings both would persist. I could not find a sense of release and much needed relief – the expansion or opening in which my perceived issue could resolve into greater awareness. For a long time, this pattern caused me – to move away from experiencing my true feelings, while thinking I was feeling them. In my healing process, I learned that thinking feelings instead of truly feeling them recycles in a repetitive pattern. I would think the ‘perception of a feeling’ was the same thing as ‘feeling the feeling’. Instead of feeling, I was only engaging in ideas of things, both negative and positive. In her book, and …, Anamika writes: “When truly feeling we are connecting with the energy of an emotion. Then feelings move through us with relative ease and rapidity. The beautiful energy of real emotion moves, breathes, and is alive. It’s an entirely different sensation than what’s produced by mental ‘emotions’ or drama. Consciously feeling feelings is not terrifying. Even real intense grief, fear, and dread feel good, as does excitement, when we let ourselves feel them. Fear is not bad, and excitement is not good.” For me, when I am not willing to feel my true feelings I contract, shut down, get walled off into a space where I swim in intense overwhelm and dramatically overreact. At the same time, I build barriers and shut out people, places and situations necessary to my well being. I reaffirm with my self-talk, ‘I cannot help how I feel’, only perpetuating my disempowering emotional state. In this pattern, I activate many stress responses in my body – Ugh! – and stress responses in my relationships. Now that I know this, I willingly slow down and take time to drop out of my head into my body and heart, the spaces of true feeling(s), accepting and allowing the feeling to flow.Emotions like fear, anger, and sorrow are natural emotions very different from disempowering emotional states of outrage, depression or anxiety. Every emotion, sensation and true feeling is valuable. There is no order of importance to our feelings. All of them are of equal importance when we allow ourselves to feel them!Feeling my full range of emotions empowers and deepens my connection to Source. To support my experience of ‘feeling’ I make sacred time alone to be with my feelings a priority just as I make it a priority to meditate, exercise, take time in nature or enjoy an evening with a beloved. Are you willing to feel ALL your true feelings? Are you contracted, shut down and walled off from feeling any emotion? Are you feeling disconnected relationally, separated out from feeling love, loved and lovable? Are you swimming in intense overwhelm and dramatically overreacting in an important area of your life? I CAN HELP! Contact me today at 978-378-0506 or[email protected]!! Love, Cheryl Ps … Also, be sure to check out my latest Feminine Empowering offering and co-creation with my dear friend Monique Ruffin--The Sovereign Goddess Path / Source Reliant, Interdependent and Free. I am SOOO excited about this offering! Click the link below to access our FREE hub of resources, listen to our video’s, meditation and download the Sovereign Goddess Path Declaration. Our first class begins June 21st, I’d love to see you there! Click here to check out a great discussion on the use of Masculine and Feminine Energy from our FB Live on Friday!! Click here for more information on the The Sovereign Goddess Path Online Hub and One-Year Membership Course. Love, Cheryl
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May 2021