Inspiration to help you find your own way
Inspiration to help you find your own way
Greetings Sovereign Goddess,
Happy Solstice! I’m sitting here reflecting on the year, allowing the memories to rise and inform my “feeling body”. It’s revealing to me the places and spaces where I’m in shadows of being. See, being a Sovereign Goddess for me is having the freedom to feel fully ALL of my emotions, the pleasure and pain that shapes who I am, revealing my Original Beauty. A lot has transpired this year for me personally and in the world around me. Some experiences have been beautiful and uplifting, inspiring deep feelings of pleasures. Other experiences have been jolting, uncomfortable and had us come undone in expected swings of suffering. Being response-able in both places of bliss and suffering is the path to be a Sovereign Goddess! Feeling deeply is critical both for a woman’s personal evolution and for the evolution of the world. Holding a disapproving perspective of our rich emotional lives results in debilitating depression and a sense of being disconnected from life. This approach creates all the tragedy and abuse of our planet that we see all around us. For me, it resulted in a state of numbness, confusion and inability to feel, much less reveal, the truth of my darkness. I believe when the feminine in a culture is repressed, the consequences are tragic. We end up with violence, a greedy corporate culture, raping our planet of resources and the people powerless in suffering. The game becomes power and profit; ego affirming instead of life affirming. We then pass the responsibility for feeling our pain and navigating in the shadows down to our children and grandchildren, who will have to live with the consequences of our unwillingness to feel the fullest expressions of our emotions. Through various way of connecting, I get in touch with my emotions nearly every day. One of my favorite ways is to dance. By feeling my feelings and moving them through my body regularly, I stay in touch with my ever-changing emotions and ready to express whatever comes up. Staying in touch with myself this way does not spare me from challenging life upsets and shadows. Instead, deep insight reveals understanding as I move through them, allowing me to embody wisdom in my unfolding and medicine in my life’s offering. This morning dancing is helping me to feel what’s left to release from the year making space for the lightness of being in the New Year emerging! My desire is to give you permission to dance with your shadow too—daily, if need be. To feel your deep emotions, and to embody them completely. This is another step to exploring sovereignty. I also invite you to consider if you would benefit from participating in receiving regular support on the Sovereign Goddess Path? Take a few minutes to consider these questions and journal your responses. What do you need for support? How will you know you are receiving what you require? How much energy (time and resources) are you willing to invest in yourself to make this happen? What is your 1st step to inspired action in moving forward? Do that! Monique Ruffin and I will reach out again soon with more ideas to assist you with remembering yourself as a Sovereign Goddess in the New Year! Stay in touch! Join us in the Sovereign Goddess Movement Declare yourself Sovereign! Happy Holidays! May the blessings be ....🙏🏻 Love, Cheryl "If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive." Audre Lorde
“Optimist hallucinate; pessimists get depressed. Both will not get anywhere. You must be willing to see everything the way it is.” Sadhguru Dear Friend, When I learned to move beyond minds identifications into Source Awareness, I began to manage my emotional swings between feeling good or bad. This was a game changer in my ability to feel deeply all my emotions from a place of peace within and align with total wellbeing. "Mind" is just a procession of thoughts passing in front of you on the screen of the brain. You are an observer. But you start getting identified with beautiful, special things—those are enticing. And once you get caught in the beautiful things you are also caught in the ugly, repulsive things causing - suffering because mind cannot exist without duality. Awareness cannot exist with duality, and mind cannot exist without duality. Awareness is non-dual, and mind is dual. So, committing to practices that allow and nurture your capacity to just “watch” the thoughts that stream across the projector screen of life is a game changer in aligning with total wellbeing. My Meditation Practice strengthened my ability to “watch” and develop my capacity to be a "watcher" while feeling deeply "all my emotions" without losing myself in dramatic swings of happiness and suffering. Meditation is my game changing practice! Other lifestyle commitments like multiple forms of exercise, Pilates, Hatha yoga, regular time in nature, plant-based nutrition, aligning closely with the cycles of the natural world are another way I enhance my meditation practice and overall wellbeing. What practices do you have that support your natural state of peace and wellbeing? I would love to learn from you! And if you’re ready to learn more, I would love to help you move beyond your mind’s identifications and stop the stress cycle of swinging between feeling good and bad. I am a tool for transformation and would be honored to help you with deepening commitment to your natural state of total wellbeing in 2019 - health, relating, career, finances ... more! New clients email now to schedule your 30-minute complimentary chemistry call and see if we are a good fit for working together! I look forward to hearing from you soon! Love, Cheryl “Love the fragrance of meditation If you meditate, sooner or later you will come upon love. If you meditate deeply, sooner or later you will start feeling a tremendous love arising in you that you have never known before—a new quality to your being, a new door opening. You have become a new flame and now you want to share. If you love deeply, by and by you will become aware that your love is becoming more and more meditative. A subtle quality of silence is entering in you. Thoughts are disappearing, gaps appearing… silences! You are touching your own depth. Love makes you meditative if it is on the right lines. Meditation makes you loving if it is on the right lines.” Osho Dear Friend, I wish for you to Know Yourself in Your Wholeness. “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.” -- Martha Graham, dancer, choreographer “You” are everything and the more you understand yourself the more you understand your connection to the energy of life. This is what it means to be intuitively awake and sensitive. Most of us see ourselves through a very narrow perspective as a “body” that has a name and a gender, a race and a family, with specific educational qualifications, roles, etc. But, if you have a practice that leads to a deeper understanding of yourself in the world, you’ll better realize your purpose and live a more satisfying life. Many people perceive this universal life energy as being separate from themselves, but there is no separation, everything is this energy. To wake up to this truth is the start of opening your mind to your potential as a human being. Once you choose a method which fits you, put your total energy into it, you will not be the same again! If you experience what that means for yourself, you’ll move beyond living through beliefs to living through knowing. You’ll realize change from the inside out. That’s why I’m committed to helping you awaken your unique expression and Best Self! Are you ready realize change from the inside out? Do you want to be more intuitively awake and sensitive? Email me today! New clients email now to schedule your 30 minute complimentary chemistry call and see if we are a good fit for working together! I look forward to hearing from you soon! Love, Cheryl "Cheryl will teach you that you are the creator of your reality, and she will give you the guidance and direction you need in order to create the reality that you really want. She is a no-nonsense and gifted spiritual/law of attraction coach who will show you a completely different way of looking at your life." Boston, MA |
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